Daily Problem 10/04/2024: Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill.
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Let \(S = \{k: 0 \lt k \lt n\}\) for some \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) where \(n \% 2 = 0\), and \(\phi: S \to \mathbb{N}\) be an array. Find an algorithm to determine how to find \(n / 2\) distinct pairs \(\{(a_k, b_k)\}\) for \(a_k, b_k\in S\) such that
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} \cup_{k=1}^{n / 2} \{a_k, b_k\} = S \\ \land a_k + b_k = a_j + b_j \forall j,k\in S \end{split} \end{equation}\]
and compute
\[\begin{equation} \sum_{k=1}^{n} a_k * b_k \end{equation}\]
If the array is \(n\) long and has a sum of \(s\), then each element must add up to \(s / n\). If \(s % n != 0\) then there is no point in checking since the division is not into \(\mathbb{N}\).
Using a hash to remember the numbers seen and their completions is required to lookup a match for any completion.
3 2 5 1 3 4
sum = 18, len / 2 = 3 => each pair should add up to 18 / 3 = 6.
Iteration 1:
3 not in memo, add (6 - 3) to memo.
{3: 0}
Iteration 2:
2 not in memo, so add (6 - 2) to memo.
{3: 0, 4: 1}
Iteration 3:
5 not in memo, so add (6 - 5) to memo.
{3: 0, 4: 1, 1: 2}
Iteration 4:
1 is in memo, yield the pair (5, 1), remove `1` from memo.
{3: 0, 4: 1}
Iteration 5:
3 is in memo, yield (3, 3), remove `3` from memo.
{4: 1}
Iteration 6: 4 is in memo, yield (4, 2), remove `4` from memo.
1 1 2 3
sum = 7, len / 2 = 2 => 7 % 2 != 0, so there is no way to group.
3 4
sum = 7, len / 2 = 1 => 7 % 1 = 0, each pair should add up to 7 / 1 = 7.
Iteration 1:
3 not in memo. So add (7 - 3) = 4 to memo
{3: 0}
Iteration 2:
4 in memo, yield (3, 4) {}
It is important to consider the case where there is an element \(k\in S\) such that
\[\begin{equation} \frac{\sum_{k=1}^n \phi(k)}{ n / 2} < \phi(k) \end{equation}\]
In such a case, since all of the elements of \(\phi(S)\) are positive, there is no value that can be added to \(\phi(k)\) to complete it.
When something is already in the hash, it should not be reinserted.
2 3 4 2 5 5, sum = 21, 21 % 3 = 0, 21 / 7 = 3.
Iteration 1:
2 not in memo, 7 - 2
{5: 0}
Iteration 2:
3 not in memo, 7 - 3
{5: 0, 4: 1}
Iteration 3:
4 in memo, yield (3, 4)
{5: 0}
Iteration 4:
2 not in memo, 7 - 2
{5: 3}
What I am now noticing is that at no point the index has been used. The values of the hash could be used to store a value to resolve the above issue. Finally, if memo is not empty after all iterations, then there is no way to combine everything into equal teams.
To summarize:
- Check that the sum of the array is divisible by half its size. If not, return \(-1\). Define the target value as the sum of the array divided by half its size.
- For each value:
- If the value exceeds the target, then no match can be made. Return \(-1\).
- either save its completion in the hash and increment the hash value, or decrement the hash value and accumulate the product of the pair in the output value.
- If there is still something in the hash, then everything could not be paired up, return \(-1\).
- Return the accumulated output.
Further, the time complexity of this algorithm is \(O(n)\) since it takes linear time to compute the sum and iterate over the items.
Unfortunately I was too optimistic about my initial solution had a few failed submissions finding edge cases. In the end my solution performed better than \(89\%\) of solutions in runtime and \(31\%\) in memory.
class Solution:
# NOTE: Skill has positive elements and even length.
def dividePlayers(self, skill: list[int]) -> int:
= sum(skill), len(skill)
s, n = n // 2
# NOTE: Must be divisible by n.
if s % n2:
return -1
# NOTE: Memo maps completions to their index in ``skill``.
= s // n2
target dict[int, int] = {}
= 0
out for val in skill:
if (diff := target - val) <= 0:
return -1
elif val in memo:
-= 1
memo[val] += val * diff
if memo[val] == 0:
elif diff not in memo:
= 1
memo[diff] else:
+= 1
if memo:
return -1
return out
Sorting Solution
After I solved this I went ahead and looked at the discussion. I found it funny that a sorting method worked, and just assumes that the target is the least element plus the greatest element. This looks like
class SolutionSort:
def dividePlayers(self, skill: list[int]) -> int:
skill.sort()= len(skill)
n = skill[0] + skill[n - 1]
= 0
out for k in range(n // 2):
= n - 1 - k
j = skill[k], skill[j]
a, b
if a + b != target:
return -1
+= a * b
return out
It performed better in memory but worse in runtime, beating \(53\%\) in runtime and \(68\%\) in memory.