Hello, I am
Adrian Cederberg!

Here you can find my projects, progress, and links.

About This Site

The site is built from the content of captura-text-portfolio-assets using the text extension for captura. It does nothing all too fancy, since developing an deploying a js/ts/pHp front-end ( for instance) would be overkill for my purpose and would fail to show a use-case for captura.

All of the pages on this site are stored and served by captura, and all HTML pages are actually rendered from restructured text.

The text extension for captura makes it extremely simple to deploy some web assets (html, css, svg, etc) to a captura instance. For the moment, the text extension is available only for those deploying captura instances. Soon users will be able to share, collaborate, and publish articles using this extension.

For more on any of these projects, see projects.

Github profile image

Calendar is powered by IonicaBizau/github-calendar.

This is a graph of my productivity on github. Keep in mind that not all contributions are equal. If you want to see my contributions in detail, please go to my github. Also, this account tracks only my own contributions and does not track my contributions in other platforms (e.g. Atlassian's bitbucket).